Seattle - Tacoma Request For More Information

Edit 1 Media

By Appointment Only
Seattle - Tacoma, WA 98422

Customers Rated
Cinematic Productions

Customer Reviews

8 reviews | 8 members recommended this business

»  JoAnn from Bellevue, WA

Recommended: Yes

Submitted on: 09/16/2004
Not only did they do an excellent job of capturing all the fun of the night, but they also expertly incorporated clips which told the story of what the night meant to the teens and their parents. While filming, they wound their way through the festivities but were able to keep a low profile so they weren't obtrusive. The music and editing really pulled all the video together. They were receptive to our input and had the skills to know how to incorporate our amateur comments/vision into a professional end product.

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Name:  Laura Randall

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