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Florida Eye Center

1515 9th Ave N
Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

Customers Rated
Florida Eye Center

Customer Reviews

5 reviews | 5 members recommended this business

»  Billie Jo from Largo, FL

Recommended: Yes

Submitted on: 05/25/2006
It has been one year since my LASIK surgery and I am sp pleased with the results. I did not even know how bad my vision was until I actually could see! I just thought that everyone saw things the way that I did. I started wearing glasses; but they were so inconvenient. For a couple of years, I was accustomed to not being able to see anything. Then, I decided to have LASIK surgery. I did not want to have to wear glasses every day for the rest of my life and I was getting tired of not being able to see the scores at baseball games. Let me tell you how my life has changed in the past year. First and foremost is the obvious thing of being able to read road signs when I am driving down the road. I can also read the baseball scores at the Devil Rays games, the signs at the stores above the aisles and the specials listed on a menu board at a restaurant. But, the following things totally took me by surprise. Previously when I went to a baseball game, I could tell you that the ball was hit into the stands behind 3rd base. Now I can tell you who caught the ball. When flying back home from a trip, I could tell you that there were lights on a building or if it was a big building; now I can read the names of stores and restaurants as we are landing at the airport!!! I never even imagined that. And, from the balcony of the hotel I could see the names of the places across the street. Imagine the concept of picking out where you want to have dinner without walking up and down the street. These were things that had never even crossed my mind when I was considering LASIK surgery. It has been a wonderful year. Everyday is a new adventure in my life. The first time I went to Tropicana Field after my surgery, it was like the first time I had ever been there in my life. (Which is definitely not the case.) I can read every scoreboard, the pitch speed, the stats and the scrolling information; no matter where we are sitting. Colors are brighter and everything is clear. I have re-made the song “I can see clearly now” as my theme song to “I can see clearly now, my eyes are fixed!”

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Name:  Mark Sibley
Fax:  727-8238796

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