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Edit 1 Media

By Appointment Only
Seattle - Tacoma, WA 98422

Customers Rated
Cinematic Productions

Customer Reviews

8 reviews | 8 members recommended this business

»  Dawn from Seattle, WA

Recommended: Yes

Submitted on: 10/03/2005
I only had 45 minutes at the bridal show and ran through like a mad woman collecting brochurse. Amidst the many I collected, was the one for Edit 1 Media. While I threw many others in the recycle bin, theirs drew me by the professional presentation. It sparked my interest enough to go to their website. I watched all of their video clips and found myself crying as if I was watching movie with a happy ending. I called them and made an appointment to meet with them. My husband and I had not planned, nor budgeted for a wedding video, but after meeting with Chris and Laura (who are fabulous to work with) and seeing their work, we knew we had to fit it in our budget somehow. It was well spent money. I still show friends and family who could not attend. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the video and never grow tired of seeing the love my husband and I had in our eyest that day. They capture everything so beautifully, and with each passing year, they get more and more creative and just that much better than most in the industry. If there was ever a doubt in your mind, erase it. Each time you watch it, you will fall in love with your spouse all over again.

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Name:  Laura Randall

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