Charlotte Request For More Information

Dj Tmaq

9911 John Redford Rd., Apt. 703
Charlotte, NC 28262

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Customer Reviews

2 reviews | 2 members recommended this business

»  Lindsey from Mauldin, SC

Recommended: Yes

Submitted on: 12/07/2010
DJ TMac was absolutely FANTASTIC. I had never had a DJ at a party before and was worried that all I'd get was someone just playing music. TMac got the crowd up and excited. He seemed to be connected to the crowd knowing just exactly what music to blend in to give them a break or to get them excited again. His timing on just what song to play seemed like a work of art. The party was the party after a wedding so we had a lot of old people there to but rather than letting them sit on the side lines he used THEIR music mixed in with the new music to get them up out of the chairs. The party was an absolute success with everyone saying that it was the event of the year. I HIGHLY recommend the skills of DJ TMAC to anyone wanting to have a party to remember.

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Name:  Mark Mclain

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